Monday, March 9, 2015

Richard III Act 3 Scene 7 Group Questions

  1. What did Richard and Buckingham fail to do in the beginning of the scene?
    1. Richard and Buckingham failed to persuade London’s citizens and officials that Richard should be king.
  2. What is Richard and Buckingham’s next strategy to get Richard to be king, is it successful?
    1. Richard and Buckingham stage a scene of Richard's great piety, resulting in the Mayon pleading for Richard to accept the kingship, which Richard ultimately “yields” to.
  3. What does Buckingham say to try and discredit the Prince’s claim to the throne, and strengthen Richard’s?
    1. Buckingham alludes to the questionability of the Prince’s bloodline, claiming that because his father had slept around a lot he might be a bastard and therefore not of pure bloodline to rule, like Richard is.

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